I DriveI drive on the 56 East heading home. Tired eyes and slouched shoulders. I drive. My eyes peek at the sky and the moon catches em by…Sep 26, 2018Sep 26, 2018
The Mars MothI squint my eyes. I see tiny stars dotted in the after-dinner, too-early for bed sky. UGH. A darn mars moth keeps swarming into my view…Aug 6, 2018Aug 6, 2018
The Power of Public Speaking (and My Fear of It )I am always completely transfixed by incredible public speakers! How they speak with conviction, and aim to captivate, inspire and…Jan 11, 2018Jan 11, 2018
The River SongWhile hiking through the forest pine I heard the river song. Like a siren, it called me so I made my way through bushes and bracken. The…Nov 2, 2017Nov 2, 2017
Champagne**Sparkling** — like the bubbles in my fresh champagne. I float ‘round this glistening room where crystal chandeliers eloquently droop…Sep 18, 2017Sep 18, 2017
Published inThe West Coast ChroniclesJust for the Thrill Of It“There’s something about a roller coaster that triggers strong feelings, maybe because most of us associate them with childhood. They’re…Aug 18, 2017Aug 18, 2017