Blast Off!
Into outer space,
and when we land on the moon I’ll say
three words: “I Love You”,
because I’ve been in your past,
I’m here in the Present,
and I want you in my Future.
You paint my sky in vibrant hues —
cardinal red, canary yellow, and the truest blue.
You give me life and liberty. You tell me
“Pursue Happiness” — so I go and live with
faith in my heart, hope in my head and charity in my actions.
I listen because you tell me the Truth,
the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.
I understand because I’ve seen the good, the bad,
and the ugly.
I want you,
to be with me, because soon we’ll go from two to
I’m prepared to run this race of life
as long as you are by my side.
Lace on your shoes
toes on the line
On your mark,
get set,
Please ❤ merci! 11/27/2016