THANK YOU! This article just confirms what I’ve been trying to do in my life. I REALLY want to become a full time writer. Its my passion and whenever I think of a career move and immediately think if writing. My family and friends think it’s nearly impossible to make a decent living on that alone. There are so many platforms out there to publish ideas and work. Like you mentioned, the noise is deafening. There are distractions everywhere. And I get distracted easily, haha. The habit IS discipline. Why? Because with discipline you get results, you get action, focus, clarity. You develop your own voice, since you’ve silenced the ones around you.
Writing is NEEDED in the world today. Consumption of ideas, thoughts and opinions has accelerated in this day and age. People are willing and ready to listen, as long as you have credibility and a voice. Writing, good writing, takes practice and discipline. Making a living off of it requires a whole new level of discipline. For me, that means not waiting for inspiration to strike, but creating moments and setting a routine where I find inspiration. I make inspiration happen.
I am very much a rule follower. I like to do things by the book and make a living the way most people have done so. I currently have the 9–5 job…so why am I so unhappy. I don’t know, but I do know when I sit down to write I am in the right place.
One of my favorite mashup of quotes is by Joseph Campbell, mythologist and writer, seems to capture what you have found in your writing career, “ Poets are simply those who have made a profession and a lifestyle of being in touch with their bliss. If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while,waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living. I say follow your bliss and don’t be afraid , and doors will open where you didn’t know there were going to be”.
Nicolas, you have followed your bliss.
Now I need to follow mine.